How to Tell a Story with Your Motorcycle Video

Have you ever thought about sharing your motorcycle “adventure vacation” video with others? Not sure how to make it interesting? (After all, after a minute or two, an unchanging view from the saddle becomes… well… boring.)
The answer? A little creativity while you ride, plus a little editing time at the computer later.
Here are some tips to make your video into a Story that others will want to watch.
- More than scenery. Capture the unplanned, such as a flat tire, a navigational oops, or your friend spilling his drink all over his bike at a rest stop (yep - seen it!).
- Multiple cameras and/or angles. Use the Swivel-CAM to place one camera up front, one to the side, and maybe a helmet camera (horrors!). Ride ahead and get off the bike to shoot the others coming toward you.
- Utilize a passenger. There's no limit to what you can shoot if you don't have to throttle, grip, brake, etc. (I'm not often the passenger on a motorcycle, but on this particular day we wanted to shoot some footage over hubby's shoulder.)
- Interview. Video others in your group talking about their experience or sharing their thoughts about your travels.
- Software. Use something simple and straightforward; after all, you’re not making a documentary for the Travel Channel.
- Shorter is better. Experts say today’s internet viewers have a max attention span of two minutes.
- Change it up often. No one scene should be more than 10 seconds long.
- Narration. You don’t have to be a professional voice-over artist. Just tell the viewer what you’re thinking and feeling.
- Use still images. Mix your video with photos you took on the trip (or find royalty-free images online).
- Add a little music. Google “royalty free music” to avoid any rights infringement. There’s plenty out there.
Drop us an email (zoom (at) if you use our tips to make a video and we'll share it on our Facebook page!
- Tracey Cramer